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Education Programs
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Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Internal Medicine Residency Program Home
- About the Program
- Residents
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- Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Program
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- Board Review Course
- Research
Noon Conferences
Resident noon conference occurs three to five days every week throughout the year. This hour delivers a wide variety of educational experiences that includes the following:
- Core curriculum in general medicine and each medicine subspecialty through interactive case based sessions and didactics
- Monthly board review for upper level residents
- Specific foundational curriculum for interns covering an approach to common symptoms and illnesses encountered on a daily basis
- Ambulatory conference centered around the month's online module
- Monthly journal club with emphasis on clinical standard of care and medical literature concepts
- Leadership development sessions for each residency class
- Workshops on creating a scientific abstract and poster and oral presentations
- Case-based quality improvement and systems analysis
- Quality improvement project workshops
- Intern curriculum of core principles delivered three times weekly from July through September
- Every other month literature review of recently published articles likely to impact clinical practice.
Additionally, once a month the residents have the opportunity to voice their concerns to all their peers and the program director and to acknowledge publicly colleagues who have been supportive or have performed outstanding work.
Several of our graduating residents have attested to the educational worth of noon conference for both board preparation and clinical application. The hour also provides the opportunity for our residents to interact socially with each other and to get direct teaching from our faculty that augments the teaching they receive on rounds or in the clinic.